Lady About London

An established socialite with far too much time on her hands

Batiste; It’s Love in a Can

I have two loves in my life. Louboutins and Batiste Dry Shampoo. It doesn’t matter what life throws at me, as long as I have a pair of red sole-mates strapped to my feet and a can of lifesaver in my handbag, I really am as happy as a pig in mud. If I was to give one piece of advice to women everywhere, it would be to live life to the fullest and always make sure you have hair and shoes to match.

Last night I was lucky enough to be invited to the launch of Batiste’s new Product, Batiste Lace.
The party was an absolute hoot! Imagine a girly sleepover but with champagne, professional makeovers and then a photo shoot to show off our brand new looks. One lucky girl even walked away with an Ipad!

We were treated to top stylists from Brooks and Brooks , who curled, twisted and knotted our hair into beautiful styles. It was fantastic to sit down with a professional and be talked through what styles work for me and how I can get the most out of my hair with minimal effort. With hair done, it was manicure time. I’ll admit that I don’t often get to the salon to get my nails done. It was so relaxing to just sit down and let someone else take care of me for once. With bright red nails to match my fiery demur, I was off to make up to finish the job. Once again, rather than just someone slapping makeup on me, it was more of a one on one chat and consultation. The team from Beauty UK Cosmetics talked us individually through colours, textures and primers. My consultant was amazing. She let me in on some trade secrets, like what colours I should wear to make my eyes pop and how to line my lips to make them look full, fun and kissable. *Kiss Kiss*

With the transformation complete, I was ready for my close up! My friend and I posed, smiled, jumped, and pouted as our professional photos were taken. Because what’s a makeover without gorgeous photos to show for it?

But while this was all amazing fun, I can’t forget the reason behind why were all invited in the first place… BATISTE HAS A NEW RANGE!!!! Welcome to the stands; Lace! Lace, much like all their other products, brings dull, greasy and drab hair back to life. What I really love about Lace, is that is has a very neutral scent. I’ll admit that when it comes to my hair, I don’t settle for anything less than perfection, so going without Batiste before a night out is just not an option for me. Batiste is one of my everyday products and I’m always conscience to not go too heavy with it as I don’t want the smell of my hair to overpower my perfume. Lace doesn’t do this at all. It compliments the female scent perfectly.

I was playing around with a can this morning before I left for work. The stylist at the party had told me that Batiste is not just a dry shampoo but also a nifty and sneaky way of adding volume to my hair. I’ve never really thought about using it as a volumiser before as I have quick thick hair naturally. But heck, there is no harm in trying right? I threw my head upside down and let my hair fall over my head. Without A) a clue what I was doing and B) not being able to see a thing, I sprayed Lace on the roots of my hair. I then used my fingertips and massaged it in. flicking my hair back over, I looked in the mirror. My hair actually looked alive and not like I’d just been in bed for 5 hours. The stylist from Brooks and Brooks was right! Anyone really can turn dull, straight hair into a masterpiece within minutes. I didn’t know I had it in me! I’ve been using Batiste for years and I’d never tried this. They say you learn something new everyday. The sun was barely up and my lesson was learnt!

So today I sit at work with full, bouncy and lively hair, and beautiful shoes on my feet. And all this while nursing the world’s worst hangover! (Don’t try and tell me that if you got a makeover, you wouldn’t go out afterwards!?) I was asked last night to describe Batiste in one word. I told them ‘Godsend.’ In hindsight, I’d like to change my answer. I think the word ‘Miraculous’ is far more fitting and regal for a product that I truly love and stand by.

2 responses to “Batiste; It’s Love in a Can

  1. T May 3, 2012 at 1:52 pm

    batiste is the best x

  2. Elle Grace May 4, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    I’d be lost (and greasy) without it! x

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